Edward Snowden Whistleblower: New Design + Freedom of Speech Quotes

We have a sinking feeling there will never be another Edward Snowden. It is quite possible that some other contractor will notice the government is doing something illegal and evil.

But if they decide to follow Snowden’s lead and bring it to their supervisors’ attention – or even go so far as to leak classified documents to the press – their odds of dying under mysterious circumstances will become one against one.

Freedom of Speech Quotes That Beg Repeating

Freedom of Speech Quotes

  • “I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime…” – Potter Stewart
  • “It is the rare fortune of these days that one may think what one likes and say what one thinks.” – Tacitus, Histories of Tacitus



Edward Snowden Whistleblower Design


We have a sinking feeling there will never be another Edward Snowden. It is quite possible that some other contractor will notice the government is doing something illegal and evil. But if they decide to follow Snowden’s lead and bring it to their supervisors’ attention – or even go so far as to leak classified documents to the press – their odds of dying under mysterious circumstances will become one against one.

Don’t be sorry it’s over. Be glad it happened. That a single man could have sparked so much conversation over mass surveillance and government secrecy truly is heartening. It means that you too can change America’s course, outside of getting to pick which gang’s representative corpse you would rather see stuffed into the Oval Office every four years. You’ll have to find a different way to do it, of course. The United States government would never trust their classified information to someone with your internet search history. But you may just find a way yet.

Snowden was granted Russian citizenship by President Vladimir Putin in 2022. We suspect Putin is keeping Snowden safely far away from his own classified documents. If he does, it’s strictly precautionary. Snowden must know that any attempt at an exposé in his new home country would result in extradition via chimney.

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